Monthly Archives: July 2012
Wrestling Radio – Episode 77
Wrestling Radio is here to discuss the BIGGEST RAW OF ALL TIME! Well at least it was promoted that way! Find out what we thought in this recap episode, and also see if Andy can name all of the WWE champions dating back to it’s inception all the way through late 2007! It’s mind boggling! #CheckItOut
Andy’s Satellite of Love – Episode 39
POSITIVTY reigns supreme here on the 39th edition of Andy’s Satellite of Love! After months of death and bad wrestling (in that order), we get FULLY LOADED! First blood, iron circles, IDIOTIC BUMPS FOR OUR AMUSEMENT, you’ll find it all here in July of 1999!
Andy’s Satellite of Love – Episode 38
Pomp, circumstance and royalty unite to bring you the 1999 King of the Ring! EAT ME, SHOW.
Sorry. This is one of the worst pay per views we’ve ever seen, and that covers substantial ground. Multiple Kane matches, the start of Chyna’s singles push, and KING ASS conspire to make this a loser in every sense. But hey, you don’t have to watch it, you can merely listen to Jeff and I grouse about it!
Wrestling Radio – Episode 76
We’re BACK! It’s been 3 weeks but we’re back! We talk about some of the good stuff we haven’t had the chance to talk about, and then some of the news! There’s some talk about Impact, RAW, and then there are QUIZZES~! So tune in to find out what’s going on! It’ll be fun! #CheckItOut!
Andy’s Satellite of Love – Episode 37.5
Not a memory, not a mirage, not another episode with Jeff Jacobs! It’s the return of Megan to the Satellite of Love for the first time in over four months! Where has she been? What has she been watching? What has she been playing? We talk all this and more on this brand spanking new edition of Andy’s Satellite of Love! And as for why it’s thirty-seven and a half? You’ll just have to listen and find out for yourself!
Andy’s Satellite of Love – Episode 37
Minimal plug this week. Andy and Jeff reflect on the career of Owen Hart as they take a look at WWF’s Over The Edge 1999 and the programs surrounding it. Check it out.