Monthly Archives: July 2014
Let’s Watch Wrestling – Episode 8
It’s Backlash 2000 here on Let’s Watch Wrestling Episode 8! Join Andy and Jeff, along with the SHOWSTER, as they shepherd you through this super fun and flirty April offering from the World Wrestling Federation. All the frivolity you’ve come to expect, and way less painful than a DDT from the top turnbuckle, it’s Let’s Watch Wrestling!
The Footy Freaks – Episode 6
On today’s show, Paul and Chris triumphantly return for a brief recap of the World Cup and an extended preview of the upcoming domestic seasons. In addition, they discuss the madness that is the transfer market as well as who each man believes will be the FLOP OF THE SEASON! And as always, there are rumors aplenty! Enjoy the show!
If you have any questions or opinions, drop us a line at:
Wrestling Radio – Episode 139
We’re back to full strength with all three hosts back on deck! We reminisce about many things including this past week’s Battleground and Monday Night RAW. There’s also a weird bonus segment about the success of one Al Yankovic, which I guess is fitting of his name. Oh, and don’t miss the sexy opening! Or not so sexy, you decide! Check it Out!
Wrestling Radio – Episode 138
It’s time to reflect on the weird, business-changing entity that is the WWE Network. Andy and Megan welcome Let’s Watch Wrestling’s Jeff to discuss the pros, cons, and whether the thing is worth keeping at all! All this, and the show ends on a lie! It’s So We Were Told – Wrestling Radio! CHECK… IT… OUT!
Wrestling Radio – Episode 137
Hey, listeners. Remember Battleground? That pay per view from last year where nothing of note happened? The pay per view so inconsequential that Jason didn’t even bother to watch it? WELL BUCKLE UP, CHUMPS! SO WE WERE TOLD JUST ENTERED FULL COURT PRESS BATTLEGROUND PREVIEW MODE! We make all of our predictions, agonize over the forecasted results, and fruitlessly try to make you care about this stupid thing!
Wrestling Radio – Episode 136
The Franchise of So We Were Told Radio Network is BACK! We’re here to talk about some wacky things that happened today involving EMMA, and then we move on to some recent events on television such as Money in the Bank and RAW. Then we have some potential NEWS ITEMS about the top matches for SUMMERSLAM! Tune in and Check it Out!