Monthly Archives: November 2014
Wrestling Radio – Episode 156
We’re back for a Thanksgiving Week episode to discuss the future of Pro Wrestling in 2015 with FIVE PROMOTIONS to watch in the United States (in English!), plus we talk all the highlights of Lucha Underground and THE highlight of Survivor Series! #CheckItOut
Wrestling Radio – Episode 155
More Lucha Underground, amigos! Plus other stuff. #DoesAnybodyReadThisPart?
Wrestling Radio – Episode 154
Lucha Underground coverage RETURNS! That’s right, Episode 2 aired and we liked Episode 1 so much we decided to watch and review it again! Plus we got some more info and shenanigans to share! #CheckItOut!
Wrestling Radio – Episode 153
LU-CHA! LU-CHA! LU-CHA! No… we’re not here to talk about the NXT Tag Team Champions Lucha Dragons. We’re here to talk AUTHENTIC Lucha from Lucha Underground! At least as authentic as we know on this program. We break down the show IN DETAIL and it’s worth it. Plus we talk about what WWE is trying to throw together recently and other news such as what is Global Force Wrestling doing again? All that and more! #CheckItOut
Wrestling Radio – Episode 152
The gang’s all here to discuss HELL… in a Cell. We go old school for a full on recap with some news added for flavor throughout. So jump on in and #CheckItOut! Tell us what you think about the wannabe classic event! Did it live up to the hype?