Monthly Archives: September 2012
Wrestling Radio – Episode 83
We’re back with another installment of Wrestling Radio. We talk about the Cena Injury, themed RAW shows, DVDs, and a lot more so #CheckItOut
Wrestling Radio – Episode 82
We’re back with Wrestling Radio talking all the news in WWE recently including the health scare of one, Jerry “The King” Lawler. We also talk some TNA news, DVD news, random video game console news/history AND then some Apple news just because it happened! So listen to this show! #Please
Let’s Watch Wrestling – Episode 3
Triple Haich! Steve Austin! The 1997 WWF Supercard results! Arguments over what this podcast is called! It’s all in the No Mercy 1999 coverage on Let’s Watch Wrestling Episode 3!
Wrestling Radio – Episode 81
Andy and I are back to talk about all sorts of stuff up to and including: Andy buying things on Amazon, TNA BFG Series, Austin Aires vs. ????, CM Punk, Bret Hart, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, Mania Main Events, Paul Heyman, and Ken Doane, ESPN, NBC, Oh and there is some twitter stuff too.
Power Rangers Mega Battle (FAN MADE VIDEO)
I was reading Twitter some time last week and a cool guy I follow by the name of Mr. Yellow suggested that someone take some Legend War footage and add Ron Wasserman’s “Fight” song to it. Well I figured I just bought a portion of the Adobe Creative Suite, why not take on this challenge? So after fooling around with After Effects, Photoshop, and Premiere Pro all while searching the Internet for tutorials, templates, and the video clips I needed. This is what I came up with. Go ahead and geek out! I know I did!
(After the Jump)
Wrestling Radio – Episode 80
To be quite honest I totally forget what we talked about in this episode. We recorded Friday and my computer wasn’t cooperating at the time to encode the file so I forgot to write a description. We do talk wrestling… and Scooby Doo! Andy has an update on how WWE Saturday Morning SLAM (First episode) did. And… there’s probably more. So #CheckItOut