Monthly Archives: November 2013
Wrestling Radio – Episode 105
GUESS WHAT! We discuss Survivor Series and RAW like the semi-pros we are. Plus there is some news. Yup, some minor things happened between our last recording and today that we discuss briefly. #CheckItOut
Total Recall – Episode 2
Boyfriend troubles. Love squared. Despicable Me and Despicable Sex. All in this brand new episode of Total Recall!
Total Recall – Episode 1
Because you demanded it, the most talked about program in the So We Were Told lineup has an address all its own! Join host Megan along with her cohorts Jason and Andy for the inaugural edition of So We Were Told’s TOTAL (Divas) RECALL!
Wrestling Radio – Episode 104
It’s all Network all the time on the 104th edition of So We Were Told – Wrestling Radio! We talk launch date, programming possibilities, pricing, and even how Wrestlemania XXX factors in! And what the heck is Pivot, anyway? RAW, news and more on this week’s SWWT!
Wrestling Radio – Episode 103
We talk FOREVER about TOTAL DIVAS and it’s totally worth it. Then we have some news to discuss and a FULL RAW RECAP! Yeah, it happened. Guess you’ll have to deal with it.
Wrestling Radio – Episode 102
We’re back to talk some wrestling stuff, as well as our usual shenanigans. We talk about what’s currently happening in the news, some tid bits about RAW, as well as some TNA news that NOBODY CARED ABOUT, but they’re talked about anyway! YEAH! #CheckItOut
Wrestling Radio – Episode 101
Our second show in the triple digits is packed with news and analysis! Episode 101 starts of with discussion on the Hell in a Cell PPV what it means for the characters involved and where it could ultimately going next month, as well as towards Wrestlemania XXX. Then there is the other big story this week which is the future of TNA Wrestling. We talk about what we know for fact and discuss potential scenarios. Spoiler Alert, we talk about money a lot. Then there’s some odds and ends news so #CheckItOut